Takisounds Contagiando la buena vida
TakiSounds: Folclore ecuatoriano sonando en todo el mundo Taki Sounds es una banda de ecuatorianos con sonidos del folclore latino.Utilizando la Chakana como icono para representarse en su giras del 2020 y 2021. Entre sus temas podemos encontrar ritmos bailables y fiesteros como Verde Rayado y otros más calmos y espirituales como Agüita de rio. …
Trippin presents Mindzone VIP
Mindzone VIP Trippin show us a journey inthe streets thinking about, Fearand Load in las Vegas to Fight Club Tripping is a vogaje to an own realma space where only specific beings arewelcomed and some other scape fromit, some other just like to wonder. Exclusive Fashion film Welcome to the gallery Trippin: …
Blooming Charm: The born of sensation
Blooming Charm Arriving spring brings newemotions, feelings, essences,tastes. Blooming Charm shows the eveningof four free spirits borning and finding a world full of sensations.A small story of romance inPark Cervantes. Blooming Fashion Film A tale of sensations Blooming CharmCredits:Gabriel Saavedra Photographer;Gabriel Saavedra Art Director;Alex Forcaida Stylist;Yasmin Shahbaz Stylist;
Wild & Free: Scaping from everyday life
Wild & FreePhoto and Video Edition Beutiful, elegant and clean project.Art direction for thismagazine editorial wich madea great fashion film. Here we will find an individualthat doesnt want to be found,a scape from the big city to a dream. Wild & Free Fashion Film Work published in Kaltblut Magazine Wild & Free; Published for …
Black & Wild Photoshoot
Black & Wildmaking fashion photography with street art This photographic fashion projectgets its inspiration on a personalStreet art piece. The inmortal Zebra. Black & Wild shows a transition in howart can go through metamorphosis andbring out true and new potential as alsofresh mediums for fashion comunication. Photographic work published in PolisArt Magazine The after photoshootproject …
Hello World Photoshoot
A view of alife style in thedigital world. Taking some references on Black Mirrorand Matrix concepts of digital conciusness. We are born, we grow, we reproduceall over the internet and never die. Hello Worldis a Sci-Fi portrait of an individual embracingthe crypto state of life. The cicle of an encrypted society. Hello World …